Biocorridor Alliances_
This program aims to amplify the impact of each project by fostering the exchange of knowledge, technologies, lessons learned, strategies and best practices among practitioners and stakeholders. Members of this alliance will be able to participate in a strategic transboundary learning system focused on biocorridors. This system will strengthen the conservation, regeneration and management of interconnected habitats, adding value through the following approaches:
The first three Alliances are_
NaturaTech Jaguar
BioCorridor Alliance
NaturaTech Whale BioCorridor Alliance
NaturaTech Coral
BioCorridor Alliance
Adaptability of Methodologies
and Data:
We seek opportunities to adapt methodologies and data used to enrich the three biocorridors learnings, ensuring that the information is accessible and useful to support the individual and collective objectives of our members, strategically promoting the conservation of specific biocorridors in Latin America and the Caribbean.
Public Policy Reports:
We produce public policy reports that contribute to the development of biocorridor conservation and management strategies, based on input, evidence and best practices of the members.
Biocultural Approach:
The biocultural approach integrates biodiversity conservation with cultural heritage preservation to manage and conserve biocorridors.
Learning Tables:
We generate peer-to-peer and bioregional learning tables, promoting the exchange of knowledge and experiences among participants.
Increased Visibility and Positioning:
We increase the visibility and positioning within existing networks at regional and international levels, strengthening their impact and scope.
Collaboration and management of best practices:
We contribute by identifying best practices to be scaled to other regions and networks, facilitating the exchange of effective strategies and lessons learned.
We at NaturaTech LAC are committed to the potential of inter-regional collaborations and learning systems. We believe that collaborative work through partnerships is essential for effective biodiversity conservation and regeneration efforts, including the well-being of local communities. In this regard, we are excited to introduce the NaturaTech Biocorridors Alliances program, a peer-to-peer network designed specifically for professionals and experts working in this field in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC).